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Goals Meet Their Match 👊



 exercise more. 🏋️‍♀️
boost your sales. 📈
write a novel. 📝
get more sleep. 😴
save money. 💸
finish tasks. 📝
 exercise more. 🏋️‍♀️
boost your sales. 📈
write a novel. 📝
get more sleep. 😴
save money. 💸
finish tasks. 📝
 exercise more. 🏋️‍♀️
boost your sales. 📈
write a novel. 📝
get more sleep. 😴
save money. 💸
finish tasks. 📝
 exercise more. 🏋️‍♀️
boost your sales. 📈
write a novel. 📝
get more sleep. 😴
save money. 💸
finish tasks. 📝

Kick off with superhero-style accountability coaching to keep you on track and supercharge your goals!

Feeling swamped with tasks and ideas but not making progress? You're not alone. With accountability coaching, 95% of users turn their plans into achievements.

Unleash Your Hero!
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The Hero's Path: Your Journey with HabitHero

Drowning in Tasks

Yesterday, your to-do list looked more like a villain's scheme: endless, daunting, and downright overwhelming.  

Discover Your Power

Today, you found HabitHero and unlocked your secret weapon against chaos—accountability

Accountability coaching pairs you with a real coach who sets goals, tracks progress, and provides personalized guidance, proven by research to significantly boost your success.

1st week with HABITHERO
Prime Your Powers

First week, we focus on health—because a strong foundation uplifts everything else. Dive in for just $1 and start transforming your well-being!

We recommend beginning with health and fitness as it enhances all aspects of life. During the first week, we focus on establishing one habit at a time, ensuring a solid foundation for lasting change.

One Month later
Powering Up

One month into your mission, and you’re powering up! Each check-in with your coach boosts your strengths and sharpens your focus. Ready for the next challenge?

Eternal Hero's Journey

Every hero's journey is ongoing, with new battles to fight and new victories to claim. Keep pushing the boundaries, with HabitHero by your side every step of the way.

The journey continues with ongoing coaching tailored to your evolving goals, ensuring sustained progress and development.

Get Started

Your Coaching Team

Meet our expert coaches at HabitHero, each skilled in guiding you towards personal and professional excellence. From medical professionals to leadership experts, our coaches offer tailored strategies to meet your unique needs. Whether aiming to boost fitness or enhance career skills, they're here to empower your journey. Interested in joining our coaching team? Email us at
Amit Patel
Title: Master of Motivation

Anesthesiologist and personal coach, Amit uses scientific strategies to turn goals into realities.

Transformed his health and coached 100+ students into med school.

Strategic and motivating, perfect for busy individuals seeking practical results.

Motivation: 95
Strategy: 90

Quote:"Unlock your potential!"
Title: Visionary Leader

From optometrist to Senior Medical Director and fitness influencer, Puja leads with vision and vitality.

Fitness influencer with a significant transformation. Leads healthcare teams to success.

Holistic, focusing on integrating career and health.

Leadership: 95
Fitness: 92

Quote:"Balance your success with health."
Get Started

Personalized Coaching Every Step of the Way


Pair Up with Your Coach

We match you with a coach who fits your personality and goals

Hi Amit, I'm Coach Alex, and I'm excited to help you reach your fitness goals! Let’s start by talking about what you’re hoping to achieve. 😊

Set Trackable Goals

Define clear, measurable objectives with your coach.

Based on what you've told me, let’s aim for a 10% improvement in your running pace over the next month. How does that sound? 🏃🎯

Schedule Your Success

Plan your activities with your coach’s help to fit them into your routine.

I’ve scheduled your first three runs for this week in your calendar. You’re all set for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings! 🗓️👟

Receive Encouragement

Get motivational texts tailored to keep you driven and focused.

Great job yesterday! Ready to hit those goals today? Remember, every step forward is progress! 💪🌟

Track and Celebrate Progress

Your coach keeps track of your progress and helps celebrate your achievements.

You’ve improved your time significantly this week! Let’s review what worked well and plan your next steps. You’re doing fantastic! 🥳📈
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Harnessing the Science of Success



HabitHero leverages proven scientific methods to ensure real results. From enhancing commitment through structured scheduling to simplifying your tasks and ensuring consistency, we provide the tools and support necessary for sustainable success. Choose HabitHero for a scientifically validated approach to achieving and maintaining your fitness goals.

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Scheduled Success

Regular check-ins based on behavioral psychology double your chances of achieving your goals by reinforcing commitment.

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Simplified Steps

Our coaches employ cognitive-behavioral strategies to break down complex goals into manageable actions, reducing overwhelm and boosting focus.

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Consistent Gains

We apply habit formation science to convert sporadic efforts into consistent routines, enhancing long-term adherence. Accountability coaching

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Our SeRvices

Choose your path to success!

$1 for the first week.
We start you with one goal in the first week as a priming strategy, which has been shown to lead to better outcomes.

Sidekick 🛡️


/ week

Or $35 / month (billed monthly)

Engage via text messages for goal setting, progress tracking, and motivational support.

🎯 One primary focus area.
📅 Up to three weekly goals.
💌 Motivational texts.

Ideal For: Individuals seeking focused, text-based guidance in one key area.

4 spots remaining!

Superhero 🦸


/ week

Or $65 / month (billed monthly)

Combine text messages with weekly video check-ins for a deeper, interactive coaching experience.

🌍 Two focus areas.
🎯 Up to five weekly goals.
📹 Weekly 15-minute video sessions.

Ideal For: Those desiring a richer, more connected coaching experience with multiple focus areas.

2 spots remaining!

Champion Add-On 🏆


per additional area


Add an additional area of focus and 3 more goals.

📚 Extended expertise and personalized advice.
🔄 Additional focus area.

Ideal For: Clients looking to broaden their growth.

Only available once you coach determines you ready to progress to additional areas and goals.

Invite Only!

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Find out what other Heros think!

"Joining HabitHero was a game-changer for me. My coach helped me integrate exercise into my hectic schedule without overwhelming me. I've never felt more balanced and energetic!"

Emily Carter

Graphic Designer
"My coach at HabitHero doesn’t just send reminders; they really understand what motivates me. Their support has helped me maintain a healthier lifestyle while managing my busy writing career."

Linda Nguyen

Freelance Writer
"The accountability check-ins have really kept me on track. Thanks to my coach at HabitHero, I've finally been able to stick to my fitness goals and see real progress."

Mark Benson

Project Manager
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Does it work?

My Transformation Story

I'm Amit, and recently, I was out of shape and constantly tired. This is the story of how I transformed with the help of a virtual personal trainer and discovered the power of accountability.

Struggling with weight and low energy, I knew I needed more than just occasional gym visits. I needed consistent support and motivation to make a real change.

Finding the Right Support: I signed up with a virtual personal trainer, focusing not just on exercise but also on the accountability aspect that I found most effective.

Setting Goals and Taking Action: We set a clear goal—to get in shape  in four months. Check-ins and personalized feedback from my trainer kept me on track.

Adapting and Overcoming: Each week, we adjusted my routines based on my progress, keeping the workouts challenging yet achievable.

Enhanced Productivity: The discipline and routine developed through my fitness journey spilled over into my work life. I found myself managing time better and meeting deadlines with ease.

Improved Relationships: With increased energy and a more positive outlook, I was able to engage more fully with family and friends, enriching my personal relationships.

Greater Self-Confidence: Achieving my fitness goals gave me a newfound confidence that affected all areas of my life, encouraging me to take on new challenges and opportunities.

Achievements: I lost 30 lbs and dramatically improved my fitness. More importantly, I gained energy and a zest for life.

Personal Insight: The journey confirmed my belief that while fitness trainers are invaluable, the real game-changer was having someone consistently hold me accountable.

This experience inspired me to advocate for accountability coaching through HabitHero, ensuring others can achieve their health goals with dedicated support.

Ready to see real change? Let HabitHero connect you with an accountability coach. Start your transformation journey today.


Still got any questions? Find your answer here!

What is HabitHero?
What isn't HabitHero?
Why does HabitHero emphasize starting with health first?
How does HabitHero work?
Why is coaching for sleep, work, and hobbies, etc exclusive to the Champion add-on plan?
Why should I sign up for HabitHero?
What scientific methods does HabitHero use?
What is the cost of HabitHero?
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Let’s get in touch!

Contact information

(516) 206-6945
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